Tuesday 7 May 2013

I'm Quoting Quotations

Hello Readers :) I created a new blog where I write about my favorite quotations and just random quotes I come across during the day that just trigger some emotions and so make me feel the need to blab about my feelings. I hope you'd like it too. :) Here are my first three posts.

The Wish-Granting Factory

background photo from http://thecassandra.files.wordpress.com
Luckily, the world is not a wish-granting factory.

It is good to know that dreams do not depend on nickels falling down the bottom of a wishing well or meteors crossing in the night sky. If they did, the finish line where happiness awaits would be as distant as the meeting point of two parallel lines… You would never get there.

Read more at http://imquotingquotations.wordpress.com/2013/04/30/wish-granting-factory/

Your Best Self

Have you ever reached the point when you feel like you’re not doing anything right? When your best efforts turn out to be futile attempts leading you nowhere? When the good in you seems to be oblivious even to  yourself? If your answer is yes, then good. You’re on the right track.

Read more at http://imquotingquotations.wordpress.com/2013/05/01/your-best-self/

Feelings and Confessions

It is almost never the right time to confess your feelings for someone. But who cares? Your words and sincerity could make it right, even perfect. How do you trust a moment if timing’s a bitch? You don’t. You shouldn’t. Instead, you trust yourself; you trust your feelings. And you go from there.

Read more at: http://imquotingquotations.wordpress.com/2013/05/04/feelings-and-confessions/

Friday 5 April 2013

Out of Tune

photo from http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6om11BtLb1rxr79no1_500.jpg

Out of Tune

You could still play a song
Even without the key that's out of tune.
You could still make fanciful melody
By leaving out the single piece of ivory
That screeches when touched,
As if crying, aware of it own brokenness.

As long as all the other keys
Still produce their rightful sounds--
As long as Do is still Do,
Re is still Re, and Fa is still Fa...
As long as Sol is still Sol,
La is still La, and Ti is still Ti,
Who gives a damn about the missing key?
Who cares about the broken "Mi?"

Wednesday 3 April 2013

What Love Isn't About

photo from http://www.jasapple.co.za/2011/08/pic-wishing-upon-this.html

LOVE is a word we have long been acquainted to but its meaning remains ever-elusive. I do not really know and understand much of what it is about, but I do have an idea of what it is not about.

Love isn’t about ‘chemistry.’

Love is not a science or a branch of it. Love isn’t simply about two different elements put together to form either a positive or negative reaction.

Oftentimes, you meet a person and you just click. You find someone who loves the same things you love—  someone who wouldn’t get tired of listening to the same song over and over; You find someone who you can share a comfortable banter with— someone  who you can call an ugly flirt or a stupid bastard and can also call you words to that effect, knowing all the mockery is just an expression of love; You find someone who handles your mood swings— someone who manages to bear the world on his/her shoulders when you’re having a crappy day.  Oftentimes you find a person who does all these and know he/she is not “the one.”

Maybe you can have all the other people say “You look good together.” Or “You look happy together,” or the extreme “Why not be together?” And in a spur of the moment, those simple statements seem unfathomable because both of you are aware that what you share is not what others see or what others expect it to be.

On the contrary, some people are like North Pole and South Pole who, after a lot of  argumentations, agreed to meet halfway at the equator, flattening out bulges of differences.  Sometimes, you find someone who seem to be your exact opposite and yet know he/she is your person.  Maybe one prefers ballad while the other prefers rock; Maybe one is too loud and outspoken while the other is shy and oversensitive; Maybe one is too optimistic while the other is very skeptic and pessimistic.  Sometimes you find someone who doesn’t seem to be the type of person you would want to share an eternity with but you vow to stick together forever anyway.

Perhaps people would see no spark.  Perhaps the world guffaws at the idea of you being together. But does that matter? Not as much as what both of you think. Maybe it’s about believing that what you have is right even when others dictate you it’s wrong.

Love isn’t about compatibility.

Love isn’t about the right timing.

There is no perfect magical moment. When you keep on waiting for it, you’ll most probably end up not having any moment at all. As it has been said in the  film Ever After (A Cinderella Story) and I quote:You cannot leave everything to Fate, boy. She's got a lot to do. Sometimes you must give her a hand.”

You are not the knight in shining armor or damsel in distress in your very own fairy tale who’d surely get a happily ever after in the end. It is important to remember that you are just one of the billion people hoping to find their true love in a messed up world.

In the first place, who’s in the position to say when it’s the right time and when it’s not? Maybe your person is still with the wrong person, just waiting for you to save him/her. Maybe it would be really nice to casually admit feelings in the middle of answering a Math quiz (provided you won’t be accused of cheating). Maybe by the time your person finishes college he/she have shunned the idea of love and you’ll regret not saying  that you’ve always liked him/her since first grade.

Maybe the wrong timing is the perfect timing.

Love isn’t about keeping the object of affection.

Not all love leads to commitment and marriage. But does that make it any less real? Not all who had loved won. But does that really make one a loser?

Love is not about possession or reciprocity of the same and equal affection. As Mr. David Cain said in one of his articles in Thought Catalog:

“Love reveals itself when you release your need to have the object of your affection, and see that there’s no reason to make it yours. That it exists at all is enough. To love something is to disappear in its favor — to die to your own interests so that it can be what it is.”

Love does not obligate.

If I am to be asked what love is, I would say it’s about acceptance and change, courage and fear, bliss and suffering. It isn’t about chemistry or right timing or keeping the object of affection. It is not about any of the three but possibly all of these combined.

Tuesday 26 March 2013


If plagiarism is to be defined as basically the failure to recognize someone for his or her original idea, then perhaps, the whole of life is an act of plagiarism.

Whatever you’ve said, somebody had most probably thought of that too. Maybe that person existed a decade or a century ago. Maybe that person lived in Los Angeles or in France or in Central Africa.  Maybe that somebody expressed the same idea in a different language, in a different tone, and in a different context. But really. Whatever you’ve said, somebody, somewhere had most probably said that too.

I mean, Shakespeare is not the only one who can think of the concept that heart  and  mind are not in the business of being friends. He is not the only person capable of understanding that love is blind. But he’s written about it many times over. And we credit him for that.

Emotions are universal. Nobody owns it. We all know of happiness and grief and love. And we all have reactions towards them. And there are how many billions of people are in the world? It is very much possible in the realm of reality that at two of them have the same perception of one thing.

And it’s just so unfair that you can’t write what you think about and claim it as your own just because another person have already written about it and had it published. Somehow the words become their possession. And now nothing is ever original.  NOTHING.

Whatever you are writing, or saying, or simply thinking about, it’s just a product of all that you’ve encountered. It’s not solely yours.

But come to think of it, it's not really bad  after all. In fact it’s pretty nice to think that we are all connected. It’s kind of amazing to realize that we think alike cause our emotions become bridges to different minds. It's beautiful to arrive at a conclusion that though time and distance separate us, we have a common ground. Somehow in the grand scheme of things, different circles overlap.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

You Know How to Shut Me Up

photo from  http://s2.favim.com/orig/35/books-heart-love-photography-pink-Favim.com-282215.jpg

You know how to shut me up.
And because of that,
I want to master the art
Of shutting you up as well.

As much as you cringe
At my futile attempts
to crack a joke
(that wouldn't even pass as a joke),
I wanna rub in your face
the fact that you also sound stupid
whenever you share something
you think is funny.
But I can't.
I'd laugh anyway.

You know how to shut me up.
And because of that,
I want to master the art
Of shutting you up as well.

Every time I talk about
a new guy I'm eyeing on,
you never fail to tell me
how amazed you are
that though I am such a skeptic
in terms of love and romance,
I kinda know attraction and "flirtationship" after all.
And though the words may sound
like clanging cymbals
when they come from other people,
it's music in my ears
when they come from you.

And I hope you know
that every time you tell me
about your new eye candy,
and how you think that the someone you like
is liking you back,
at the back of my mind I'm thinking:
My friend here has a very, very
severe case of erotomania.
I want to tell you  that you have
excessive self-esteem.
But I don't. And I won't.
I'll always prefer saying
"YES, he/she definitely likes you back!"
Cause in the first place,
it's hard not to love you anyway.

You know how to shut me up.
And because of that,
I want to master the art
Of shutting you up as well.

I've always had a knack for denying.
I've got used to people
taking my "No" as a "No."
But then there was you.
And  I hate you. I really do.
I hate it when you sit beside me
and tell me about things I would not admit.
And then I end up blabbing and spazzing,
as if under the influence of alcohol.

You frustrate me.
Oftentimes, I want to tell you to shut up
And just let me be.
But I can't. I feel like I shouldn't
For what are the chances of finding
other kindred souls
who probably know me a lot better
than I could ever know myself?

And even if there are gazillions
who can do the things you do--
from dinosaur times,
to the imagined robot times,
and countless lifetimes in between,
know that you are still one of a kind.

You know how to shut me up,
turning my pursed or puckered lips into a grin.
You know how to shut me up,
And for that reason,
I love you most.

Saturday 16 March 2013

The Man Who Has Loved

photo from http://cdnimg.visualizeus.com

The Man Who Has Loved
by Christine Magpayo

This is a poem--
A poem without a rhyme--
A poem about a man--
About a man who has loved--
Who has loved with all his heart.

This is a story.
Yes, a story never told--
A story never known--
Never known  even to them--
Even to  them who shared the love.

And so once upon a time...
Yes, something happened once upon a time--
Something that ended so quick--
'Twas so quick that it didn't seem real.
It didn't seem real but it was.

Now you ask what happened--
What happened to  the man?
Well all I know of is...
He is still that man--
That man who has loved--
Who has loved with all his heart.


The poem represents LOVE.

It had  no rhyme;
It had no measure.
Lines do not match but they do connect.
The poem tells us that there is a story but tells us nothing about the story.
Its brevity immortalizes its existence.
The endless questions stretch out and explore on different possibilities
even when the story itself deals with oblivion.

Love does not require a certain degree of similarity and compatibility.
Love isn’t a science; it is immeasurable.
People do not necessarily have to be a perfect match;
what matters is they make both ends  meet.
Love tells us of stories but the profundity is exclusive to the two who are part of the stories.
There’s a kind of love that ends but lasts.
As long as there are what if’s and could have been’s lurking  in the mind,
A love that’s over… isn’t really over yet.

Monday 18 February 2013

Twenty Days (The Wedding)

            White orchids crowned the golden flower stands poised on each side of the aisle. Music filled the small dome illuminated by natural sunlight passing through the stained glass windows. The people wearing satin dresses and suits started walking on the red carpet leading to the altar where vows were to be made

Marianne, the bride, was fidgeting at the back of the line. She was playing with the silver heart-shaped pendant of her favorite necklace and was slightly but constantly stomping her feet.  Beside her stood her escort, Ryan, a good friend since college. He noticed that she was so restless. He placed his hands on his pockets and motioned his head towards hers.

“You have a very beautiful necklace.” He whispered and stood upright, smirking.
A grin formed in her face. “You mean your birthday gift? Self-righteous.” She chuckled.
Marianne beamed as she fixed her eyes on her groom.
He nudged her elbow with his.  “It could have been me.” He joked.
She looked up and faced him.  “It could have been anyone else.”
He raised his left brow and tilted his head on the side.
She pinched his nose. “Well, it could have been you.”
He forced a smile.
“I could make a scene and stop the wedding.”  He playfully said.
“You won’t.” 
She sneered. 
“Why not? You know I love you.” Both of them were looking at the altar.
“Exactly the reason I know you won’t.”

To that, he had no response.
She put her hand on his arm and they started walking down the aisle.