Monday 18 February 2013

Twenty Days (The Wedding)

            White orchids crowned the golden flower stands poised on each side of the aisle. Music filled the small dome illuminated by natural sunlight passing through the stained glass windows. The people wearing satin dresses and suits started walking on the red carpet leading to the altar where vows were to be made

Marianne, the bride, was fidgeting at the back of the line. She was playing with the silver heart-shaped pendant of her favorite necklace and was slightly but constantly stomping her feet.  Beside her stood her escort, Ryan, a good friend since college. He noticed that she was so restless. He placed his hands on his pockets and motioned his head towards hers.

“You have a very beautiful necklace.” He whispered and stood upright, smirking.
A grin formed in her face. “You mean your birthday gift? Self-righteous.” She chuckled.
Marianne beamed as she fixed her eyes on her groom.
He nudged her elbow with his.  “It could have been me.” He joked.
She looked up and faced him.  “It could have been anyone else.”
He raised his left brow and tilted his head on the side.
She pinched his nose. “Well, it could have been you.”
He forced a smile.
“I could make a scene and stop the wedding.”  He playfully said.
“You won’t.” 
She sneered. 
“Why not? You know I love you.” Both of them were looking at the altar.
“Exactly the reason I know you won’t.”

To that, he had no response.
She put her hand on his arm and they started walking down the aisle.