Tuesday 26 March 2013


If plagiarism is to be defined as basically the failure to recognize someone for his or her original idea, then perhaps, the whole of life is an act of plagiarism.

Whatever you’ve said, somebody had most probably thought of that too. Maybe that person existed a decade or a century ago. Maybe that person lived in Los Angeles or in France or in Central Africa.  Maybe that somebody expressed the same idea in a different language, in a different tone, and in a different context. But really. Whatever you’ve said, somebody, somewhere had most probably said that too.

I mean, Shakespeare is not the only one who can think of the concept that heart  and  mind are not in the business of being friends. He is not the only person capable of understanding that love is blind. But he’s written about it many times over. And we credit him for that.

Emotions are universal. Nobody owns it. We all know of happiness and grief and love. And we all have reactions towards them. And there are how many billions of people are in the world? It is very much possible in the realm of reality that at two of them have the same perception of one thing.

And it’s just so unfair that you can’t write what you think about and claim it as your own just because another person have already written about it and had it published. Somehow the words become their possession. And now nothing is ever original.  NOTHING.

Whatever you are writing, or saying, or simply thinking about, it’s just a product of all that you’ve encountered. It’s not solely yours.

But come to think of it, it's not really bad  after all. In fact it’s pretty nice to think that we are all connected. It’s kind of amazing to realize that we think alike cause our emotions become bridges to different minds. It's beautiful to arrive at a conclusion that though time and distance separate us, we have a common ground. Somehow in the grand scheme of things, different circles overlap.

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